Why take out comprehensive travel insurance?



Who doesn't dream of a vacation out of harm's way, especially when you've decided to go off the beaten track or to an unfamiliar destination? Since things don't always go as planned, you feel vulnerable to the unexpected. Since you can't predict what's going to happen, it's better to be safe than sorry, hence the need for comprehensive travel insurance.

What risks will be covered?

Comprehensive travel insurance covers you and your belongings throughout your trip. It is used in the event of trip cancellation or interruption due to illness, accident or natural disaster while abroad. In such cases, travel assistance and repatriation insurance is required.

Apart from that, as time zones vary from one country to another, delays or no-shows for boarding a means of transport such as plane, boat, train... are also covered by the insurer. This is often the case when traveling to Eastern European countries, as on a trip to Lebanon with https://moyenorient.marcovasco.fr/voyage-liban.html for example.

Comprehensive insurance also covers unforeseen events caused by loss, theft, delay or damage to the insured's baggage or other property during the trip.

What benefits are available for all these risks?

With a price ceiling calculated per person or per group, comprehensive travel insurance covers the costs of trip cancellation and/or interruption. It is also the insurer's duty to provide assistance and advice to the insured in the event of a claim, as well as to organize repatriation in the event of death, while disbursing all necessary expenses.

Comprehensive insurance also reassures travelers in the event of delays or adjustments to their vehicles' departure dates and times, by reimbursing expenses related to the insured's needs, such as hotel nights, meals and various tickets...

It should be noted that most insurers offer this insurance on a per-trip or per-year basis, depending on the traveler's wishes.

*Always consult a certified representative, text for guidance only.

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